March 15, 2011

P90X Update

Today marks the beginning of week 3. I can already tell a difference in my body. I don't know if I have lost any weight but I sure feel like it. My coach Lauren told me not to pay attention to the scale because its really the inches that matter. So I am taking her advice :)

Here are my thoughts and short description on the following dvds I have done:

Check & Back: lots of pull-ups and push-ups. Hard! Hard! Hard! Plain and simple.
Plyometrics: I'd say this is the hardest one yet. Lots of jumps which are killers. Don't recommend doing it during nap time (which I'm about to do hah!) I personally love cardio work outs so this is one of my top favorites.
Shoulders & Arms: Very similar to Chest & Back, lots of weights and reps.
Yoga X: Ehhhh Yoga. I'll be honest, I loathe this one. Seriously, I dread it. Not because its easy, because its actually the opposite, but because its boring to me :-/ I am such an antsy person and its hard for me to sit still so this KILLS me. According to Tony though this is SO important to get the results you want because it helps with balance and flexibility. So I keep on :) 
Legs & Back: The legs part I feel is my strength. Once again lots of weights and reps.
Kenpo X: So far my FAV. Love it! Its cardio with a mix of self-defense moves like kicks and punches. Its a fun one.
Ab Ripper X: Killer. A speedy fast dvd of burning good ab moves.Time flies during this one. "I hate it but I love it". It helps to do this one in just my sports bra and shorts so I can look down at my stomach. No lie :) I do it every time. 

I am feeling so incredibly good you guys! Lots of times I don't want to do it but I have my eye on the prize. To LOOK and feel amazing. I feel so accomplished and better about my self. Not to mention I'm doing Shakeology. Which is a whole other post :) They both go hand in hand.

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