April 12, 2011

P90X Update (Week 6)

Well people its been 6 weeks. Can't believe it! I feel like time has literally FLOWN by. Kind of like when you have a baby and you count how old he/she is by weeks for like the first 12 weeks. :-) Ha, can ya tell I'm a mom? Point is, time flies!

I am really getting the hang of this and starting to love it. The initial pushing play for a work out is what is hard. I always have enough energy and mental strength to do the work outs and finish them, some days I can give more than others. I am starting to see results, which is pretty awesome.

Long story short I realized I haven't exactly been eating the right way, which explains why I haven't had much visible change in my stomach. I'd encourage anyone who is thinking of doing P90X to really do your research and find out what eating healthy means! I was 40 days into it when I realized that just because its whole wheat bread (I used to eat white bread) doesn't mean you can eat all you want of it. Which, I wasn't but I was eating at least 3 servings a day maybe 4 and according to the P90X nutrition guide for me it should only be 2! Once I learned and applied it (lets see its been... 4 days) I can already see a difference in the way my stomach is (less bloated) and also I haven't seen 124lbs since! Which is NICE!

I LOVE looking back at the beginning of how I was with some of the work outs to now. SO fulfilling to see how far I've come. I can actually do some of the harder ab moves in Ab Ripper X, and with Plyo I can pretty much do EVERYTHING. Which I LOVE! Also, when I flex you can see my biceps and it looks COOL. I think I might like this whole muscle thing!! :)

I kind of freak out when I think about how I have 45 days left (just realized I'm half way through!) I freak out because I feel like I'm so far from where I want to be! I have to really buckle down and have self control with all eating (that is my problem) and give it all I got. :)

I'll post my 60 day pictures in 2 weeks! YIIIIKES! :)

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